Russia is even ready for military intervention in Georgia | News in brief

Tension is rising again in Georgia The controversial law on

A high-ranking Russian politician offered to help Georgia’s ruling party stay in power.

Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council of Russia Andrei Klimov states that, if requested, Russia would be ready to assist Georgia’s leading Georgian Dream party to remain in power. A Ukrainian website tells about it, among other things The Kyiv Independent.

According to a Georgian TV channel, Klimov compared the situation in Georgia to the events seen in Syria in 2015, where Russia militarily supported the president Bashar al-Assad to suppress the resistance movements that broke out in the country. According to Klimov, those who ask for help from Russia also receive military help.

The answer is the result of recently published survey results, according to which the majority of Georgians consider Russia to be the country’s biggest enemy. This interpretation has become more common in Georgia in recent years.

Despite popular opposition, the country’s government has tried to restore diplomatic relations with Russia, which has occupied about one-fifth of Georgia’s territories since 2008.

In recent years, the country’s ruling party, Georgian Dream, has tried to push through a series of decisions sympathetic to Russia. The most visible of them has been the controversial agent law that got its seal at the end of May, which sparked strong protests in the country for two years.

The Georgian dream is that of an oligarch who got rich in Russia in the 1990s Bidzina Ivanishvili founded party. It has held power in Georgia ever since it was founded in 2012.

Georgia will hold parliamentary elections on October 26, which are important for the future direction of the country.
