end of the strike observed for 40 days at the University of Brazzaville

end of the strike observed for 40 days at the

After 40 days of strike by professors, who were demanding their unpaid salaries, the Intersyndicale of the public university of Brazzaville, announced the lifting of the movement this weekend. They received two months of salaries. In a statement made public this weekend, the intersyndicale decided to suspend the movement that was paralyzing the Marien Ngouabi university. Teachers and students will therefore return to the lecture halls this Monday.

1 min

With our correspondent in Brazzaville, Loïcia Martial

After many discussions with the government, the inter-union of theMarien Ngouabi Universityin the capital of Congo Brazzavillehas obtained the payment of teachers’ salaries for the months of April and May. The month of June should also be paid this week. The inter-union college is also waiting for the payment of four years of vacation arrears. It is asking the government to ensure, from now on, the regular payment of teachers’ salaries who, despite the strike, benefited from the support of students. This was stated by Célestin Niama, spokesperson for the Inter-union.

The Inter-Union College asks the government to do everything possible to ensure the regular payment of salaries to employees of Marien Ngouabi University. In conclusion, the Inter-Union College decides to lift the general strike that began on June 8, 2024 and asks workers at Marien Ngouabi University to return to work on Monday, July 22, 2024 at 7:00 a.m.

In recent years, the inter-union has often observed strike movements for wage demands. It calls on the government to sign a memorandum of understanding which it presents, I quote, as ” a pledge of lasting social peace at the university “.

“The inter-union college asks the government to do everything possible to ensure the regular payment of salaries to employees of Marien Ngouabi University.”

Congo-B: Classes resume at the University of Brazza this Monday

Loicia Martial
