Children are thrown out of windows in the summer. Here are Dr. Kierzek’s 10 tips to avoid the worst

Children are thrown out of windows in the summer Here

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    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director)

    In summer, it is more common to live with the windows wide open. Parents must therefore remain vigilant and closely monitor their children at home, because the risk of falling out of windows is real. Here are ten tips to avoid this type of accident, which is often fatal, unfortunately.

    When you don’t have an air conditioner, the solution for refresh your interior is to create drafts. It is effective, but it involves opening the windows wide. Which is a risk when you have young children. How to avoid a tragedy? Here are ten tips from Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of Doctissimo.

    Never leave a child alone

    “Never leave a child alone in a room with a Open window or on a balcony” First of all, the doctor reminds us. This is rule number one. A child must remain under the constant supervision of an adult from the moment a window is open in the room.

    Avoid furniture under windows

    “Do not place any furniture, such as a chair or table, under the windows to prevent the child from climbing.” adds our expert. By doing this, the piece of furniture will serve as a step stool for the child, who will easily reach the window.

    Install safety devices

    “Use locks, lockable handles and window restrictors to limit window opening.” the doctor recommends. An additional safety feature to prevent their access to toddlers.

    Supervise children outdoors

    Supervision of children must also continue outside, on a terrace or balcony for example.Stay vigilant when children are playing outside, especially near balconies.”

    Educate children about the dangers

    Explain to children the risks associated with windows and balconies so that they understand the need to be careful” advises our expert. This obviously applies from a certain age, when the child is able to understand.

    Use guardrails

    “Install guardrails high up on balconies to prevent falls” recommends Gérald Kierzek. Which does not prevent us from continuing to monitor the children anyway.

    Limit access to windows

    Close windows when you cannot supervise children, even if they are equipped with protections”. Indeed, no protection is infallible, a window must be closed, even if you are only absent for a few seconds.

    Avoid dangerous games near windows

    Do not allow children to play with objects that might tempt them to approach windows.” the doctor continues to explain.

    Use curtains or blinds

    When installing curtains or blinds, “you will be able to limit access to the window and reduce the visual appeal that could encourage children to approach it” recalls the emergency doctor.

    Raising awareness among other adults

    Inform other adults responsible for children about the dangers of defenestration and the preventive measures to be adopted“. Indeed, your children may be safe at home, but the risk will be present elsewhere, at their grandparents’ for example or at friends’.

    First aid for children

    Slide: First aid for children
