In a Fight Club scene, Brad Pitt and Edward Norton were actually drunk and rioted in real life

In a Fight Club scene Brad Pitt and Edward Norton

David Fincher is responsible for a very precise working method and his influence on the modern thriller. It is all the more astonishing how spontaneous the director can be at work. During the filming of the cult film Fight Club, Edward Norton and Brad Pitt were able to let off steam while drunk in front of the camera.

Spontaneous riots by Brad Pitt and Edward Norton became a brilliant scene for Fight Club

For many film fans, commentaries on DVDs and Blu-Rays are a real goldmine for interesting making-of stories. Filmschool Rejects has compiled some highlights from the Fight Club commentaries. These include spontaneous inspiration from director and castwhich led to memorable scenes.

The scene in which Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) and the narrator (Edward Norton) Playing golf drunk in front of the house at nightdid not exist in the script. The moment only came about because the two actors enjoyed spending time together. They had drunk quite a bit that evening, as Brad Pitt admits:

I remember that we were here very drunk were.

The vandalism was also improvised. They kept hitting the catering truck with the golf balls. Fincher thought this behavior suited their characters very well, so he filmed it and included it in the final version.

You can watch the riot scene here:

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Although the scene was spontaneous, it fits perfectly into the film. Here again it is suggested that Tyler Durden is not who he seems. In the scene, a car is hit and sets off an alarm – but not until it is also hit by the narrator.
