Israel struck Houthi targets in Yemen – 3 dead, nearly 90 wounded | News in brief

Israel struck Houthi targets in Yemen – 3 dead nearly

Several explosions were reported in Yemen’s Hodeida on Saturday. According to the Houthis, Israel was behind the attacks.

Elsa Osipova,

Kai Jääskeläinen

20.7. 19:23•Updated 2:42

At least three people have been killed after an airstrike by the Israeli armed forces on the targets of the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen. This is reported by the Yemeni Ministry of Health under the Houthi rebels.

According to the Ministry of Health, almost 90 people were injured in the attack. According to the ministry, the majority of the wounded have serious burns.

In addition, the Ministry of Health says that the Israeli strike targeted a fuel depot in the port city of Hodeida. The impact caused a large fire in the port area.

The Houthi-controlled Al-Masirah TV channel initially claimed that the United States and Britain were behind the attacks. The channel later claimed that Israel was behind the attacks.

The Israeli army confirmed in the evening Finnish time that it had carried out the attacks on Hodeida. According to Israel, it struck Houthi rebel military targets in retaliation for the Houthis’ attacks on Israel in recent months.

Sources: AP, AFP, Reuters

20.7. at 19:26 Completed with a comment from the Israeli army.

20.7. at 22:22 Supplemented with information from the Houthi Ministry of Health about the wounded.

21.7. at 2:35 Completed throughout and updated casualty figures.
