Javelin thrower Heidi Nokelainen ends her career | Sports in a nutshell

Javelin thrower Heidi Nokelainen ends her career Sports in

Nokelainen threw a career-best 62.13.

Javelin thrower Heidi Nokelainen ended his career. The woman says in SUL’s announcement that the shoulder no longer allows throwing.

The last race of my career was the Lappeenranta GP races held this week. Nokelainen broke the 60 meter mark five times in his career.

The record was 62.13 eight years ago in Lappeenranta. In the same year, he competed in the European Championships in Amsterdam, which were the last of his career.

– The body’s physics, the strength or mobility of the shoulder area have not declined compared to the time before the surgery. On the other hand, the shoulder lacks elastic strength and the movement speed of the hand is much slower than before, says Nokelainen, according to SUL’s press release.

– Among my achievements, the Finnish championships are number one. Also, little Heidi’s original idea, that if she could once get to the Sweden match, came true many times. Unfortunately, the entrance to several prize competitions was also narrowly missed.

Source: SUL
