Israeli raids in Yemen leave several dead, tensions rise in Lebanon

Israeli raids in Yemen leave several dead tensions rise in

The Israeli army says it intercepted a missile coming from Yemen heading towards Israel on Sunday, July 21. The day before, Israeli airstrikes on the strategic port of Hodeidah in Yemen left three dead, according to the Houthi rebels. For the Lebanese Hezbollah, these Israeli raids in Yemen mark a turning point. dangerous in confrontation “, while the Shiite movement fired new rockets on Saturday.

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The army Israeli announced in a statement on Sunday that it had intercepted a missile coming from Yemen And ” who was approaching Israel. “The projectile” did not enter Israeli territory. The sirens (…) were triggered due to the possibility of falling shrapnel “, the army said, declaring the incident ” finished “.

The day before, Israeli warplanes bombed the Houthi-held port of Hodeidah, sparking a huge fireThe rebel-run Saba news agency, which quotes their health ministry, gave a report on Sunday of ” three martyrs and 87 wounded “Most of the injured suffer from ” severe burns “, according to the Houthi Health Ministry.

These air raids took place the day after of a Houthi drone attack who killed one person in Tel Aviv after evading Israel’s defense system. According to experts, the Israeli strikes in response are the first announced by the Jewish state against Yemen. This poor country on the Arabian Peninsula, afflicted by a war between the Houthis and the government, is located about 1,800 kilometers from Israel.

We will respond to escalation with escalation “, warns a senior Houthi official

According to senior Houthi official Mohammed Abdelsalam, the attack in Houdeida in Yemen targeted “ fuel storage facilities and a power plant “, which supplies electricity to the city, “ to pressure Yemen to stop supporting “the Palestinians.” The Zionist entity will pay the price for its strikes against civilian facilities and we will respond to escalation with escalation. “, warned Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti, a member of the political bureau of the Houthis who control large areas of Yemen, including Hodeidah.

The Israeli army, for its part, claimed that its ” warplanes struck military targets of the Houthi terrorist regime in the Hodeidah port area in response to the hundreds of attacks carried out against Israel ” by these rebels. This port, essential in particular for humanitarian aid, serves as a ” main supply route for Iranian weapons shipments from Iran to Yemen, starting with the drone used in the attack ” from Tel Aviv, accused Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari.

Saudi Arabia, which has supported the Yemeni government against the rebels since 2015, but has been trying to end the conflict since 2023, assured this Sunday that it had “no no link ” with this assault. Riyadh adds that the ” Kingdom will not allow its airspace to be infiltrated by any party “.

Read alsoIsrael: Tel Aviv targeted by deadly attack by “very large drone” claimed by the Houthis

Tensions reach peak in Lebanon

For Lebanese Hezbollah, which also opened a front against Israel after the start of the war in Gaza, the Israeli raids in Yemen mark a turning point. dangerous in confrontation “On Israel’s northern front, on the border with Lebanon, Hezbollah, an ally of Hamasalso announced that it had fired new rockets at northern Israel. This ” in response ” to an Israeli strike targeting an ammunition depot in Adloun, a town in southern Lebanon, injuring three people this Saturday, announced the official Lebanese agency.

The violence of the clashes between the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah and the Israeli army reached new heights this Saturday. This with deeper strikes on both sides of the border and unprecedented firepower, reports our correspondent in Beirut, Paul Khalifeh.

Carrying out threats made by its leader Hassan Nasrallah on Wednesday, Hezbollah announced that it had targeted the town of Dafna in northern Israel. Until now spared, it was targeted by dozens of Katyusha rockets in response to an Israeli drone strike that targeted Borj al-Moulouk earlier in the day, also targeted for the first time.

Hezbollah announced that it had carried out five other attacks, including one by suicide drones against artillery batteries. The escalation culminated in an Israeli raid against the town of Adloun, south of Sidon, 40 kilometers from the front.

Israeli aircraft apparently hit an ammunition depot which caught fire, causing a series of explosions that caused panic in nearby towns. The main coastal highway leading to southern Lebanon was completely closed to traffic as firefighters tried to control a massive blaze. Seven other villages were targeted by air raids and as many by artillery fire.
