Married at first glance-Linnea has found love

Linnea Alsberg and Emmy Johansson sought love in SVT’s latest season of Married at First Sight. Nothing went further with the romance, but beyond the cameras, a great love has appeared in Linnea’s life.

– He is absolutely incredible. I never thought I would meet someone who has everything I want. I’ve always believed that you have to compromise something, you can’t have everything on the list. But I have received everything and he fills in the list all the time, she says in Nyhetsmorgon. However, she keeps the identity of the man with everything on the list a secret.
– I would like to tell you, but he can decide for himself when he wants to participate, she says.

Support in strange situation

With some distance to the recording, it is the friendship between Linnea and Emmy that is sustainable, they tell Nyhetsmorgon.

– We felt that it was easy and obvious between us right away. It’s a very special situation, so it was reassuring to find friendship with someone who was in the same situation, says Emmy Johansson.
Today both live in Stockholm, see each other once a week and hear each other almost every day.
– We actually met a woman when we were out boating together, on our way to Rosanna’s (from Married at First Sight) country house and she said “But God, you’re really friends”. So the friendship stays strong, says Emmy Johansson.

Many men have contacted me

When the program stopped being broadcast, Emmy Johansson was still married to Mattias Cedergren, whom the production had chosen for her. But after some time together, Mattias ended the marriage and now Emmy is dating someone else.

– I’ve started dating a bit, it’s fun, she says.
She has received many requests from different men after the program.
– It’s been a bit luxurious, I haven’t had to download Tinder, I’ve been able to check among those who have contacted me, she says.

Yesterday 10:55

Searched for love in marriage at first sight – found friendship: “Get together once a week”

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