At least 20 people died in China’s flash floods | News in brief

At least 20 people died in Chinas flash floods

The northern and central parts of China have experienced extensive heavy rains during the past week, which have caused floods and extensive material damage.

In the northern and southwestern parts of China, at least 20 people have died in flash floods. In addition, dozens of people are missing, says the state media company.

In northern Shaanxi province, at least 12 people were killed when several vehicles plunged into a river after a bridge collapsed late Friday.

A bridge in the city of Shangluo collapsed as a result of a flash flood caused by heavy rains, reported Xinhua news agency. More than 30 people are still missing.

According to preliminary investigations, eight trucks and 17 other cars had fallen into the river.

Meanwhile, the bodies of 8 people had been found by Saturday evening in Sichuan province after a strong thunderstorm caused flash floods. Also in Sichuan, more than 30 people were said to be still missing.

The northern and central parts of China have experienced extensive heavy rains during the past week, which have caused floods and extensive material damage. This summer in China has been marked by extreme weather phenomena, which have brought with them both heavy rains and prolonged heat waves.
