It was in connection with a deportation from Arlanda in May that the employee took a sandwich from a cafe without paying. The sandwich cost SEK 79. The employee did not pay even though colleagues who were present asked about the matter.
Damaged trust
The whole thing came to the attention of the employee’s manager and an investigation was started,
The Swedish Migration Agency’s Internal Investigator now wants the agency’s personnel responsibility board to press charges against the incident. In addition, the investigators believe that the incident is very damaging to the trust in the authority and should lead to the dismissal of the sandwich thief if he is convicted of a crime. Aggravating is that the employee appeared in uniform.
Acknowledge what happened
– A representative of a government authority is expected to set an example and committing crimes in the service is completely unacceptable, write the internal investigators.
The crime the employee must have committed must be theft or petty theft. The employee has acknowledged what happened.