The special opening of the Paris Olympics has a new problem: toilets | News in brief

NOW France moved thousands of homeless people into hiding on

A parade of athletes speaks during the Paris Olympics. This time it will be held on the Seine River. However, not all barges transporting athletes have toilets.

The Paris Olympics kick off next weekend with the opening ceremony.

Unlike previous years, this time the Olympic opening ceremony will not be held in a stadium, but will be held on the Seine River.

One of the most anticipated events is the athletes’ parade. Next Friday, more than 200 athlete delegations from different parts of the world will travel on barges past thousands of spectators along the Seine river.

However, just a week before the opening, it has become clear that not all ships have toilets.

It worries the delegations.

– Even though we are one of the largest delegations, we still haven’t received confirmation if there are toilets on our ship. I hope so, member of the Australian delegation Anna Meares said at a press conference on Saturday.

According to Mears, Australia is making “preparations” in case there are no toilets on the ship. He did not say in more detail what kind of preparations Australia is planning.

The organizers have reassured the delegations by saying that toilet stalls will be brought in connection with the departure and arrival points of the barges.

In addition, the athletes go to the parade in small groups, and no one has to spend hours on the water.

According to Mearse of the Australian delegation, the athletes were relieved to hear that the time spent in the water, according to the organizer’s estimate, is about 45 minutes.

Paris Olympics on channels 26.7.–11.8. Go to the competition website here.

Source: Reuters
