Player takes complete gaming setup on the plane

A player has prepared perfectly for his trip. But on the plane he realizes that he has forgotten the most important thing.

Many gamers take their gaming setup with them when they travel. Because you don’t want to miss out on your favorite hobby when you’re on the road. One gamer took his entire gaming PC with him on the plane. But he seems to have forgotten the most important thing.

Gaming PC with you, but forgot Steam

What did he forget? After he connected his entire gaming system on the plane and started his computer, he realized that he had forgotten to install Steam. And without Steam, he cannot access his games. He explains this in a post on Reddit.

If he had flown with the Steam Deck instead, he at least wouldn’t have forgotten to install Steam.

Some players are already joking in the comments that they can now only play “Solitaire” on the hour-long flight. This is the standard card game that is pre-installed on every Windows system. Microsoft said goodbye to Minesweeper and the popular 3D Pinball on Windows many years ago.

Can’t he download Steam on the plane? The user explained in another post on Reddit that the WiFi on the plane was a disaster and was not sufficient for a download.

Airplanes offer power sockets, and many are now switching to USB-C

Can you connect your PC on the plane? Yes, some planes, especially those in First Class, have sockets on their seats that provide enough power. However, the trend among aircraft manufacturers and airlines is now moving towards offering USB-C sockets on planes. This is more common and (depending on the country) you don’t need an adapter for the built-in socket.

However, the user also explains in a post that he has built and is carrying a system that consumes very little power: “It is also an SFF build (7800X3D + RTX 4000 SFF) that has been tuned with CO and a PPT limit of 65W, so it draws very little power.”

The RTX 4000 SFF Ada is a low-profile, dual-slot workstation GPU, and it also typically consumes less power than proper gaming graphics cards.

At least he was pleasantly surprised by the flight attendants, he explained, “and a nice lady even complimented me and asked me how it worked.”

Another player doesn’t take his gaming PC with him when he travels, but simply leaves it switched on the whole time. Why he hasn’t switched off the PC even after 5 years and why he doesn’t plan to do so, you can read on MeinMMO: A player leaves his gaming PC running for 5 years straight – explains there’s no reason to switch it off
