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Some people are control freaks. And in a relationship, this can be particularly stifling for the other person. How do you know if this is what you’re experiencing? Here are 9 behaviors typical of this type of individual.
Control your purchases, your outings but also your friends… Living with a control freak is exhausting. But sometimes, we feel this weariness without being able to identify the cause, because we do not have the necessary perspective, once caught up in the relationship. Here are nine typical behaviors of control freaks.
They dictate your choices
In a healthy relationship, both partners should have the freedom to make their own decisions. If you live with a control freak, this will not be the case. Their demands will probably be subtle at first, but gradually they will turn into demands. In a balanced relationship, decisions are made together or are respected by the partner, if they are made independently of the other.
They keep an eye on your location
Another telltale sign is that your partner constantly needs to know where you are, what you’re doing, and who you’re with. This might seem like goodwill at first. It’s not. Plus, it can quickly become stifling to have to justify your every move.
They isolate you from your loved ones
This strategy is used by control freaks to make you dependent on them. This is done subtly, again, perhaps through disparaging comments about your friends or making it difficult to see your family.
They minimize your successes
In a controlling relationship, your partner will tend to minimize your successes. This behavior is designed to undermine your self-esteem, make you feel less confident and more dependent on them. So be careful if you get a job promotion and your partner blames you for spending time at work, instead of being with them. You deserve to be with someone who values your success and supports your ambitions.
They use guilt as a weapon
Guilt is a powerful tool that control freak partners often use to manipulate their loved ones. It’s a way to get you to do what they want, by making you feel bad if you don’t. This creates emotional stress and undermines self-esteem.
They constantly criticize you
In love, the other person should be a support and not an enemy. If your partner is constantly criticizing you, ask yourself questions and reassess your relationship. A loving partner accepts you as you are, celebrates your strengths, and supports you in overcoming your weaknesses.
They are excessively jealous
One of the most common signs of a control freak partner is excessive jealousy. It’s normal to feel a little jealous from time to time, but when it becomes a constant problem, it can be indicative of a deeper issue. And remember, a healthy relationship should be built on trust, not fear and suspicion.
They make you feel unworthy
A controlling partner constantly compares you to others, making you feel inferior and unworthy. This is a manipulative tactic used to lower your self-esteem, which makes it easier for them to control you. The more they make you doubt your worth, the more power they will gain over you.
They threaten or intimidate you
The most alarming sign of a controlling partner is when they resort to threats or intimidation. This can go as far as threats of physical or psychological violence, but also blackmail. This is a clear sign of an abusive relationship.
No one should ever feel threatened or afraid in their relationship. Love should make you feel safe, not intimidated or fearful. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, it is crucial to seek help immediately. Reach out to friends, family, or victim organizations that are designed to help people in these types of relationships. Keep in mind that everyone deserves to be in a relationship based on respect, trust, and love.