Renting out your parking space for a few hours, a week or a month? It’s possible (and profitable) – L’Express

Renting out your parking space for a few hours a

Companies like Yespark or Zenpark offer, via a connected application, parking by the hour, day, week or month. Their role is to connect drivers with empty parking spaces. While town halls are removing more and more parking spaces and traffic remains high, parking is becoming a challenge in some cities. However, Yespark estimates the number of unused spaces in France at 400,000.

The rental stock of these players is mainly composed of vacant public or company parking spaces, the latter not being used by employees on weekends. Zenpark, for its part, claims 300 partner companies. But if your personal location is well located – in the city center, near a train station or an airport – and is easily accessible, especially for large vehicles, it may also interest these service providers.

Prior agreement of the co-owners

To find out if you are eligible, nothing could be simpler! Both companies work in the same way: they collect information about your space – address, characteristics, etc. – and if it fits their specifications, they install a connected box on your building. It then allows tenants to access the parking lot with their smartphone via the application, without having to contact you. Be careful, “the installation of the box requires the prior agreement of the co-owners at a general meeting”, reminds Charles Pfister, co-founder of Yespark. An element to anticipate or risk losing precious months before the implementation of the system. Also be sure to check your co-ownership regulations, as the latter may prohibit rental to non-residents.

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Once connected, your parking space joins the provider’s rental fleet and can be rented with a single click by its users. The platform advises you to find the right price to offer. You then receive the rent every month, from which the management fees are deducted. These vary depending on the city and the local forecast profitability.

400 to 500 euros monthly income in Paris

This system has a major advantage: you optimize your income since a space rents for more over a short period. You can expect between 400 and 500 euros per month on average for a well-located parking space in Paris, compared to half as much if it were rented for the year. Of course, this amount will be lower in a city where tension is less. An additional advantage: you can continue to park your vehicle in your parking lot and choose to rent it out only when you are not using it. “For example, we rent parking spaces on weekends or during the day but not in the evening,” says Charles Pfister. In this case, the return will be lower, but your space will be profitable almost twenty-four hours a day. Good to know: Yespark and Zenpark are not reserved for the hearts of metropolises, but operate in many cities, and even in the countryside.

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As long as you don’t use your space, you can also call on companies like Garetabecane. For the moment, it is only established in Lille and Paris as well as its close suburbs, but will be accessible in other metropolises in 2025. This company transforms the spaces into several parking lots for two-wheelers and rents them out for long periods. “Depending on the case, we can park three to five motorcycles in place of a car,” explains Barnabé Gauquelin, the company’s co-founder.

The advantage is immediate because you collect more rent each month: where a motorist pays 120 euros for a space, a motorcyclist pays around 80 euros. This means that with three two-wheeler spaces, you double your income. You will also be able to make a narrow or poorly located space profitable more easily, between two poles for example. Keep in mind that this additional income is subject to tax, in the category of property income. As a result, it must be included in your income and will be subject to the progressive scale.

