Tax office sends an important email in the middle of summer, you must read it carefully

Tax office sends an important email in the middle of

In this email, the tax authorities announce good or bad news depending on the recipients.

It’s an organization that we would like to forget about for a few weeks. However, even in the middle of summer, it’s impossible to escape it! The tax authorities don’t care whether you’re comfortably settled on your towel at the beach or if you’ve already returned to work: for the tax authorities, sending important documents doesn’t wait. So, even if many French people take advantage of the summer holidays to disconnect, it’s best to keep an eye on your emails.

This email – this is how most taxpayers are informed – will arrive in inboxes between Wednesday, July 24 and Friday, August 2, 2024. To avoid missing it or thinking it is an advertisement, you should pay close attention to the sender. This is the “Direction Générale des Finances Publiques” and the original address of the email is as follows: [email protected]. The subject: “New documents available”. So don’t let this message slip away.

© Maxime Gil / Linternaute

Inside, a short text from the tax authorities states that “you have opted to view your documents directly in your personal space” and warns you that the 2024 tax notice on 2023 income is available in your personal space. This is not a standard information document. It is therefore preferable to read it carefully because it contains elements that impact your finances.

In fact, the tax notice indicates the final amount that you still have to pay to the tax authorities or, conversely, what the tax authorities will reimburse you in the event of an overpayment. In addition, this is where the payment or reimbursement dates are specified. It is better to be aware of them so as not to be surprised. That’s not all.

On the last page of the document, it is important to read the line “Average tax rate”. The figure indicated corresponds to the withholding tax rate that will be applied to your salary from 1er next September. If it is up compared to last year, then your net salary will decrease. If it is similar, no change will occur. If it is down, your net salary will increase. It is therefore recommended to watch for the arrival of this document to avoid an unpleasant surprise at the end of the holidays.

For taxpayers who have kept the paper format of the tax notice, it will be sent “on a rolling basis”, according to the DGFiP, between July 24 and August 29 and will therefore only arrive in mailboxes later.
