A trick in The First Descendant lets you defeat bosses much easier

Bosses in The First Descendant are big enemies that can knock you over. Most of the time you have to dodge attacks and you can’t attack all the time. With a trick you have however much more relaxed boss fights – and you even learn about them in the intro.

What kind of trick is this? To defeat bosses more easily, you should concentrate on their weak points. These are marked blue on all bosses. If you attack these weak points constantly and with a lot of damage, the weak point turns yellow. Now you can target it with your grappling hook and rope yourself onto it.

Once you’re roped up, you can perform further attacks on the points to break the boss’s stance. Once the stance is broken, the bosses fall to their knees and are immobilized for a short moment. At this point, you can tear the boss to pieces in seconds without having to worry about dodging or placing shots correctly.

Does the trick work on all bosses? The trick with the weak points and the rope works for all bosses that have visible weak points. These are clearly marked in color and cannot be missed.

Which descendant should I use to tackle the bosses? It depends on what playstyle you want to tackle. Bunny is fast and can dodge well, but the best option for powerful damage output is a Gley build. This descendant can deal powerful damage with her Frenzy and Heightened Sensing skills and the Vestigial Organ weapon, and she doesn’t have to worry about ammo, as it doesn’t get consumed.

Did you already know the trick or is it completely new to you? Let us know your tips and tricks for the boss fights in the comments and exchange ideas with other users. You can also find a strong bunny build here: The First Descendant: Bunny Build – How to defeat your enemies by jumping past
