Total standstill on E6 after accident


  • Total standstill on E6 after accident

    Two cars are involved in an accident on the E6 just before Kvibille, in the southbound direction.

    The accident causes a complete stop in the southbound direction, reports Hallandsposten.

    – Two cars are involved and have, among other things, driven into the center barrier. Right now there is a complete stop in the southbound direction, says Peter Karlborg at the rescue service to the newspaper.


  • Drunken men have quarreled with the high guard

    Operation at the castle. Photo: Blue light images

    Two men have been taken into custody by the police at the Palace in Stockholm.

    The alarm came in shortly before 8 p.m.

    – There are two drunk people who have argued with the security guard. It is about some form of drunkenness, says Robert Sennerdahl, press spokesperson at the police.

    The men are aged 20 to 25.

    At present, the persons are not suspected of crimes.

  • National curfew in Bangladesh

    Student protests in Bangladesh on Thursday. Photo: Rajib Dhar/AP

    The death toll has risen to 105 after the student demonstrations in Bangladesh, AFP reports.

    Now the authorities are introducing a national curfew. The military has also been called in to break up the demonstrations in the country.

    The violent student protests broke out in early July.

    The students demand that the government change the employment rules for the public sector in the country – which are now based on a quota system.

    During the week, the clashes between protesters and riot police have escalated.

  • Gothia cup player seriously injured after accident at bathhouse

    A boy in his early teens has been taken to hospital after a drowning accident in a bathhouse in Alingsås.

    – It is a guy who has been found in the bath lifeless, says Niklas Ehnfors, communications manager at the municipality, to GP.

    Emergency services were called to the bath house at 5 p.m.

    According to Niklas Ehnfors, the boy plays in a foreign team that participates in the Gothia cup.

    – Right now we are working to get a picture of what happened, while at the same time we have crisis support for the football team that has been affected, and also the bathhouse staff who are shocked by what has happened, he tells the newspaper.

  • Bicycle batteries are portable – “great explosive power”

    Batteries for electric bicycles may be prohibited in workplaces and public premises. Archive image. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

    Several workplaces and public premises do not allow batteries for electric bicycles to be brought in.

    On Thursday, a battery for an electric bicycle exploded in an apartment in Malmö. It caused a heavy fire and eight people had to go to hospital, including two police officers.

    It was not the first time that a bicycle battery caused great damage. The number of fires connected to the charging of electrical gadgets has increased sharply in recent years, as more and more products become rechargeable.

    Since June, patients and visitors to Region Skåne’s premises have been met by signs with the message that it is forbidden to bring removable batteries for electric bicycles or electric scooters inside.

    Several other regions in the country have similar bans. And the country’s authorities have also introduced restrictions depending on how the business looks.

  • The flight was canceled – windows were smashed with shoes

    A man in his 50s became angry when the flight was canceled from Arlanda Airport on Friday.

    Then he took a shoe and threw it into a window pane which cracked.

    The incident occurred at Terminal 5 of the airport.

    The man is now suspected of vandalism.

  • Blink: Approaching the truce

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Friday that a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is approaching, writes NRK.

    – There are still some problems that have to be solved and that still have to be negotiated. We are working on it, Blinken told a security forum in Colorado according to NRK.

  • The senator calls on Biden to drop out

    Martin Heinrich. Photo: Mariam Zuhaib / AP

    Another Democrat is calling on Joe Biden to drop out as the party’s presidential candidate.

    This time it is Senator Martin Heinrich:

    “Joe Biden is one of the most skilled presidents of modern times,” he writes in a statement.

    He continues:

    “The decision to step aside is entirely President Biden’s. I believe it is in our nation’s best interest for him to do so.”

    Heinrich is the third senator to call on Biden to drop out of the presidential race.

    In the past, Adam Schiff and Lloyd Doggett have also called on the president to step aside.

  • Eleven young people with Foxtrot connection are sentenced

    A total of eleven young people with connections to the criminal network Foxtrot are sentenced for attacks and preparations for attacks last fall, Attunda District Court writes in a press release.

    A boy, who was 15 years old at the time of the acts, is sentenced, among other things, for aggravated arson and preparation for public destruction. Another boy, also 15 years old at the time of the execution, is sentenced, among other things, for incitement.

    A man in his 20s is sentenced to six years in prison and deportation, among other things, for inciting various young people to set fire to homes in several cases.

    The crimes took place at night. In two cases, the perpetrators set fire to the front door while the plaintiffs, including children, were sleeping.

    Those who were under 18 at the time of the acts are sentenced to juvenile penalties. Only three of the eleven were of legal age.

  • Hand grenade was thrown onto the balcony – be sharp

    A suspected hand grenade was thrown onto a balcony in a family home in Borås on Thursday.

    Residents were evacuated and the National Bomb Squad was called to the scene.

    The bomb disposal team determined that it was a hand grenade and took the object into custody.

    Now the police investigation shows that the hand grenade was sharp, reports Borås newspaper.

    Read more about the event here.

  • Police search for missing man

    A man in his 80s disappeared at 12 o’clock on Friday from Mellringe hospital.

    The man is 175 cm tall, very fair-skinned and white-haired. He wears glasses and was wearing a light yellow jacket and beige pants when he disappeared. He prefers the first name Leif, the police say.

    Those who think they see or have seen Leif should contact the police by calling 112 and requesting to be connected to the regional command center in Bergslagen.

  • Broke into construction site – stole several hundred thousand

    Personnel at a construction site in Uppsala notice that someone is breaking into the construction site during Friday morning.

    The perpetrator is said to have broken in and cut the locks to containers in the area.

    Among what was stolen were machines worth several hundred thousand kroner, according to the police.

    A report of grand theft through will be drawn up.

  • Naked or wearing short shorts – man reported for sexual harassment

    At lunchtime, the police announced that a man is suspected of exposing himself to children in Skönsmon in Sundsvall.

    The man then allegedly fled the scene on an electric scooter. One of the children’s parents then reported the man for sexual harassment.

    But only hours later, the police are unsure whether it is a case of sexual harassment, reports say Sundsvall’s newspaper.

    Because according to the police, the man is possibly not a stripper – but a man in short shorts.

    – The question is whether it is really about sexual harassment. He must have passed by and they must have observed something, but he must not have deliberately exposed himself, says Anders Olsson to the newspaper.

    – You can perceive things as more or less unpleasant, but it doesn’t have to be criminal, says Anders Olsson.

  • Details: Biden’s family in talks to pull out of campaign

    Joe Biden’s family has begun discussing how the president can withdraw from the election campaign, according to sources to NBC.

    Among other things, they are said to have discussed time, place and how the campaign affects Biden, the family and the political situation in the country.

    However, White House spokesman Andrew Bates denies the information.

    “They don’t, period. The individuals who make these claims do not speak for his family or his team – and in time they will be proven wrong,” he writes to the channel.

  • ICJ: Israel’s settlement policy is criminal

    The international court ICJ, the UN court, pronounces on Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem.

    Judge Nawaf Salam says, among other things, that Israel’s settlement policy and how Israel uses the natural resources in the areas are in conflict with international law.

    The Court also finds that Israel must pay reparations for the damage caused by the occupation and that they have an obligation to end their presence there.

    The ICJ is also expected to issue a general opinion on Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories. It is the first time that the ICJ has decided whether the 57-year occupation is legal or not.

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  • If I have to guess who Larry The Cat likes best if we remove political color 🙂

    1. Sunak = He’s rich as a troll, so if Larry got lobster, sirloin, that’s a good start 🙂 then Sunak kissed Larry 🙂 and Larry let him 🙂

    2. David Cameron = Larry cuddled on his lap 🙂


  • Article about free train cheats. Where do I find it?



    Hello Åsa! You’ll find an article here about Filippa who trains for free and another about how it’s done here.

  • Don’t want to be the language police, but you write about a bomb on a balcony in Borås that the people in the house are housed! It’s called evacuated, right?


  • What can be read about the snus crisis

    B Andersson69

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