Here’s the perfect way to say no to your manager at work

Heres the perfect way to say no to your manager

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    In professional life too, it is important to know how to say no. But when faced with a manager, it is not always easy to assume this position. An expert reveals the right method to follow.

    In the workplace, it can be difficult to say no to your manager. Why? Because we think it’s “normal” to comply with our superior’s requests and that this will make us look like a model employee.

    But in the world of work, it is essential to know how to accept new tasks, but also to know how to refuse them, when necessary. Here is how to go about it.

    Learn to say no, even if you’re uncomfortable.

    The topic is addressed by Jessica Chen, communications expert and author of the book Smart, Not Loud. In her book, she details the method to adopt to know how to say no diplomatically. To do this, she approaches the TEF method, for “Tone, Explain, Follow” which could be translated as “Tone, Explanations, Proposals” in French. The method works as follows:

    • Measure your tone: By keeping your tone “neutral and objective,” you communicate your certainty, says the expert. This helps emphasize that your boundaries are non-negotiable. You don’t have to apologize for saying no, also reminds Jessica Chen. It could give the impression that you’re hesitant and that your decision is not firm, in reality;
    • Provide explanations : after saying no clearly, explain the reason for your refusal. If you have other deadlines that prevent you from responding favorably to your manager’s request, for example, express them;
    • Make suggestions : finally, after detailing your refusal, propose solutions and listen to your superior. This shows that you are interested in his request. You can also possibly find a compromise, on deadlines for delivery for example, or on the priority of this or that mission.

    Why is it essential to know how to say no at work?

    Contrary to what one might believe, it is essential to know how to say no in the professional sphere. This shows that you know your abilities and your limits and want to respect them.

    If the refusals are justified, there is no reason for you to be given a negative label. On the contrary, it will show that you know how to weigh your decisions before making them.

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