new attack in Djibo with heavy material damage

new attack in Djibo with heavy material damage

New attack on the town of Djibo in the Soum province of Burkina Faso. It took place in the early morning of Wednesday, July 17. Armed men attacked several important sites in the town.

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Doctors Without Borders office targeted by repeated gunfire during attack on town of Djibo “, the organization said in a statement on their X account. “ The building bears visible bullet holes, medical facilities of the Ministry of Health supported by MSF and a water distribution site were vandalized “, adds the NGO, specifying that its teams and patients are ” safe and sound “.

According to our information, the assault was launched against the city around 5am. Coming in large numbers, according to residents, the assailants attacked several sites. The national company for the management of security stocks, responsible for managing food aid and supplying deficit areas, was not spared. The store was looted and set on fire.

A blown-up telephone tower is out of service. Tents were set on fire at a site sheltering internally displaced people. They came to sabotage quietly and left ” said a local source.

The NGO Médecins sans frontières (MSF) condemns this violence and calls for respect for the protection of civilians and the maintenance of humanitarian space.

Despite significant material damage, no loss of human life has been reported. For several months, this city, difficult to access by road since 2022, has been the subject of harassment by armed terrorist groups.

Read alsoBurkina Faso: concerns over the humanitarian situation in Djibo (May 2023)
