Intesa Sanpaolo and ACEA: first agreement in Italy for sustainable water management

Intesa Sanpaolo and ACEA first agreement in Italy for sustainable

(Telestock) – Intesa Sanpaolo And ACEA they signed the first national agreement for the protection and sustainable management of water in the production processes of companies, also in relation to the measures of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), with the provision of a allocation of approximately 4.4 billion of Euro.

The agreement aims to promote a efficient use of resources water through forms of technology advisorytogether with investments for the reuse of purified water within the so-called water communities, with positive impacts on the environment, territories and businesses.
The Bank will make 20 billion available of Euros to support the initiatives of companies and operators in the water supply chain, within the framework of the wider credit ceiling of 410 billion of euros announced by CEO Carlo Messina for new funding to support PNRR initiatives.

The agreement was presented today in Rome from Fabrizio PalermoCEO ACEA, Stephen BarreseHead of the Intesa Sanpaolo Territorial Bank Division and Mauro MicilloHead of the IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division of Intesa Sanpaolo. Also speaking were Laura CampaniniHead of Local Public Finance Research Department Intesa Sanpaolo and
Alexander LetoACEA senior advisors who presented the joint study “The opportunity of the reuse of purified wastewater”While Mark Shepherdresponsible for the CEO Office of ACEA, illustrated the general principles of this collaboration aimed at encouraging virtuous behavior in terms of sustainability. The closing speech was by Emanuel OrsiniPresident of Confindustria.

Thanks to the agreement, Intesa Sanpaolo and ACEA will operate each with its own skills and resources for: to offer services and products dedicated to supporting investmentssuch as the financial solution S-Loan Green Projects: theaccess to corporate advisory services interested to infrastructural interventions; the support for sustainable water resource management projects through the Intesa Sanpaolo Supply Chain Development Programme; facilitated access for companies to European and national tenders thanks to the Incent Now free platform; collaboration within the research and training in order to spread a culture of sustainable water use; the development of suitable professional figures and related skills in the “Water economy”; water recovery through the promotion of “water communities”.

The first issue of the‘ACEA and Intesa Sanpaolo Water Sector Observatory’presented today, is dedicated to the theme of reuse of purified waste water: analyses the current situation and the constraints that affect its wider diffusion.

“The collaboration with ACEA, in addition to our availability of 20 billion credit for investments, stimulates a new culture of responsibility – industrial, economic and personal for each individual – for a sustainable use but above all for the reuse of water resources, overcoming the logic of emergency management towards a perspective of waste reduction and circularity”, comments Stephen BarreseHead of the Intesa Sanpaolo Territorial Banking Division.

“The agreement signed today marks a further step towards the growth and sustainable development of a sector that is fundamental for our industrial fabric and the community”, commented Mauro MicilloHead of the IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division of Intesa Sanpaolo, adding “those who invest in infrastructures dedicated to the water sector have shown growing interest, even in our country; investments, in fact, increased by 15% in 2021, with a forecast increase of 10% per year until 2025, especially
thanks to infrastructure modernization projects and the adoption of digital and sustainable technologies”.

For Fabrizio PalermoCEO of ACEA, the agreement “will give a strong strategic boost to our entire production system with positive repercussions on the economic growth of the country, considering that water resources enable 40 percent of the national GDP. We believe that this agreement can represent a particularly effective way to support companies from both a financial and industrial point of view”.
