This sentence from Attal that Darmanin does not digest, the war among the ecologists for Matignon – L’Express

This sentence from Attal that Darmanin does not digest the

It’s crazy how the dissolution has really clarified everything! This second five-year term is definitely like no other. The last reshuffle with Gabriel Attal at its head is already far away, the European elections are barely over when the president decides to call legislative elections. With the result that we know… More than ever, behind the scenes, some are learning to dodge the trip-ups, others are familiarizing themselves with the art of conspiracy, in short, everyone is preparing for the post-Emmanuel Macron era with rigor and determination.

Bello, the “widow Mao”

When Huguette Bello, who was a member of parliament from 1997 to 2020, sat on the Law Commission, the one whose name was put forward (and then rejected) for Matignon was nicknamed “the widow Mao”. “She was Paul Vergès’ lieutenant in the Reunion Communist Party, in comparison to which the North Korean Communist Party appeared as a model of democracy,” recalls a witness from the time.

READ ALSO: Macron and the shadow of resignation, the mysterious phone call received by Hollande

Darmanin-Attal: a sentence stuck in the throat

“Obviously, as he is very intelligent, he said that on France Inter”: this is Gabriel Attal’s statement that Gérald Darmanin criticizes him for the most. On July 3, on public service radio, the Prime Minister called for a “barrage”, even with an LFI bulletin: “Everything separates me from La France Insoumise, but it is not in a position to have an absolute majority: on the other hand, the extreme right is in a position to govern the country.” The Minister of the Interior, for his part, wants to get out of the ambiguity: “It can be understood when you are in political responsibility, but in the opposition, you cannot be ambiguous, otherwise you are the sausage in the sandwich.”

The man who talks to everyone (except Sarkozy)

“He even talks to Aurélien Pradié!”: François Bayrou still has supporters to win the post of Prime Minister, who insist on his ability to talk to everyone. “He has always talked to the whole world, with one exception: Nicolas Sarkozy…”

READ ALSO: The break with Attal, Darmanin’s barbs, Mélenchon as an ally… Macron on a field of ruins

Greens at loggerheads

There is some friction on the line between the environmentalist negotiators. Marine Tondelier, Cyrielle Châtelain, David Cormand and Bruno Bernard do not always agree on the line to take with the Insoumis or the socialists. Cormand and Bernard are keen to make the roses pay up. Himself the son of a socialist whom the party abandoned in the open a long time ago, Bernard opposed a cold and categorical “no” to Olivier Faure’s candidacy for Matignon: “You are first secretary, the Insoumis cannot accept.”

In the middle of this green quadriumvirate, it is Cormand who has shown himself to be the least friendly towards the socialists. “Only Cyrielle Châtelain tries to build bridges, to be constructive”, admit communists and socialists. And Marine Tondelier? A communist rants: “she says one thing in meetings and another on television sets. No one is fooled: she is above all trying to save her skin, and not be one of those who will have derailed the New Popular Front.”

READ ALSO: “She is condemned to this fate”: Marine Le Pen faces the elusive victory

The LR, these “leftists”

In the Assembly, the break is complete between the traditional LR branch and the dissidents from Ciott, who have left to join the ranks of the extreme right. In the corridors, the new right-wing deputies barely greet their former comrades, whom they now accuse of being extremists. “We feel like we’re meeting leftists, they’re so unpleasant,” comments a newly elected LR-RN deputy.

READ ALSO: Presidency of the Assembly: behind the battle for the perch, the shadow of Matignon

Another victim of dissolution

Successfully tested in Gironde, the new online complaint filing and processing system was to be generalized to the entire territory just before the opening of the 2024 Olympic Games and the influx of tourists to France. The Ministry of the Interior, which initiated the project, had planned to make the announcement in mid-June. But it was postponed due to the dissolution… Emmanuel Macron had nevertheless welcomed the results of the online complaint. Victims of theft or fraud will have to continue to file their complaints at police stations and gendarmeries.

