OpenAI releases GPT-4o Mini language model

OpenAI is working on a project called Strawberry

He has managed to become one of the most important names in the field of artificial intelligence. OpenAI, GPT-4o Mini language model in use presented.

The GPT-4o Mini language model, which is smaller than the GPT-4o introduced in recent months, It can be used more cheaply because it is small. The “Mini”, which looks good for companies and developers that do not have a large budget and users, replaces GPT-3.5 Turbo, according to the statement. The company says the new model will be available today for free users and paid ChatGPT Plus and ChatGPT Team subscribers, and will be released to corporate customers next week. OpenAI had previously attracted attention with a special project. OpenAI A new technology called the “Strawberry” project is reportedly having reasoning ability And able to conduct detailed research on the internet The project is focused on developing more advanced AI models. The project’s goals include developing AI models for more complex tasks. allowing it to automatically scan the internet to plan ahead.


ChatGPT with Strawberry projecthuman-like reasoning and problem solving” he wants to bring talent The company has made a splash in recent weeks with its new model called “CriticGPT”. “We trained a new model called CriticGPT to detect errors in the codes generated by GPT-4. The system will help people supervise AI on difficult tasks.” who made the statement OpenAIhere it is not directly focused on the end user. However, the improvements here will benefit everyone. There are real people who review the software codes created by ChatGPT, CriticGPT is here specifically to make those people’s lives easier. CriticGPT, based on GPT-4, analyzes generated codes and points out possible errors, allowing it to detect some errors that humans would not normally notice, according to the company’s statement. makes it easierAmong OpenAI’s biggest goals is to reach the level of artificial general intelligence.
