Work, Calderone: 1,041 fatal accidents in 2023, less than in 2019

Work Calderone legitimate Cgil Uil strike but the answer is dialogue

(Telestock) – In 2023, 1,041 fatal accidents were recorded with an incidence per million employed equal to 44.15. “A lower figure than in 2019.” This was stated by the Minister of Labor, Marina Calderone, during the communications to the joint committees of the Chamber and Senate. “In 2019, before the pandemic, we recorded 1,239 fatal accidents with an incidence per million employed equal to 53.61 – she added – the trend in fatal accidents in 2023 recorded a decline with a labor market with 500 thousand more employed”.

In the first half of the year, “already around 63 thousand inspections” to combat irregular and undeclared work. “The phenomenon of illicit labor supply and contracting is significantly increasing,” he said.

The Government has set a clear goal for workplace safety “an action of comparison with the social parties” and “the objective is not to prepare rules that do not take into account objective evidence and, above all, the strict need to carry out actions effective both from the point of view of contrast, but even more so from the point of view of promoting the correct application of the rules”.

In the “coming days and weeks” “other actions” are planned to combat irregular and undeclared work, but “I cannot tell you more so as not to warn those who want to escape controls”, the Minister added, anticipating that “The call for new inspectors on a regional basis will be published by July”.
