Is the presence of Burundian soldiers worsening tensions with Kigali and Kampala?

Is the presence of Burundian soldiers worsening tensions with Kigali

In addition to Rwanda, Uganda is also being singled out by UN experts for its involvement in the conflicts in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and its support for the M23 rebels. Kampala categorically denies this. But Burundi’s military is also intervening in the conflict, further complicating the situation and exacerbating tensions in the region. But Burundi’s role could exacerbate tensions between the various actors.

2 min

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Patient Ligodi

Just as relations between Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi and Rwandan President Paul Kagame are strained, so too are those between Rwandan President and his Burundian counterpart Évariste Ndayishimiye. And this tension has repercussions on the crisis linked to the resurgence and rise of the M23 in eastern DRC.

Because Burundian troops are present on Congolese territory after a bilateral agreement between Kinshasa and Gitega. The Burundian army fights sometimes alone, sometimes in coalition with Congolese forces.

According to some sources, his soldiers sometimes find themselves on the front lines. These soldiers have been engaged in particular on the Rwindi-Mabenga and Sake-Minova axes to fight the M23 and the Rwandan military. According to military sources, they have played a role in strategies aimed at slowing the expansion of the M23 towards South Kivu.

UN experts report that Rwandan troops present in the DRC were instructed to target Burundian forces in particular. Some Burundian soldiers were even captured and taken prisoner by the M23 and their allies.

In addition, several reports indicate that Rwanda has increased its support for Burundian rebels of Résistance pour un État de droit au Burundi (Red Tabara) present on Congolese territory. This could further exacerbate tensions between the two countries.

Some Western chancelleries in Kinshasa are increasingly calling for international mediation to take this new dynamic more into account during upcoming diplomatic meetings aimed at defusing tensions.

Read alsoDRC: Uganda’s support for M23 rebels highlighted by new report from UN experts
