ABC: Senate Democratic leader Schumer asked Biden to drop candidacy in bipartisan meeting | News in brief

An American Jewish senator proposed a change of power in

According to ABC News, Schumer had told Biden that it would be better for the Democrats and the country as a whole if Biden ended his election campaign.

Democratic Leader of the United States Senate Chuck Schumer has called for a sitting president Joe Biden to give up his candidacy in the presidential elections, says ABC News.

Schumer had told his position to Biden in a meeting last Saturday.

According to ABC News, Schumer had said during a one-on-one meeting at Biden’s home in Rehoboth, Delaware, that it would be better for Democrats and the country if Biden ended his re-election campaign.

In his statement published on Saturday, Schumer said that he had a “good meeting” with Biden.

Schiff of the House of Representatives demanded that Biden drop out of the race

Another voice from the Democratic ranks demanding Biden’s extradition was heard in the House of Representatives on Wednesday by Adam Schiff mouth, reported CNN.

(Donald) Trump another presidential term would shake the foundation of our democracy, and I am seriously concerned whether the president (Biden) will be able to beat Donald Trump in November, Schiff said Los Angeles Times according to the magazine.

According to Schiff, the decision to withdraw from the campaign rests solely with President Biden. However, he believes it is time for the president to “secure his legacy of leadership”, pass the baton on and let another Democrat defeat Trump.

According to calculations by the news agency Reuters, around twenty politicians of the Democratic Party have already demanded that Biden give up his candidacy in the 2024 presidential election.

According to CNN, Schiff is so far the most prominent elected Democrat who has demanded that Biden drop out of the presidential race. Schiff is running for Senate from California.

Democrats who have publicly called for Biden’s extradition in the past have also been vocal about constituencies, unlike Schiff. He is also close to the former Speaker of the House, a Democrat Nancy PelosiCNN adds.

In the Democratic Party, there are doubts about the ability of the 81-year-old Biden to defeat the former president and the Republican candidate Donald Trump and Biden’s ability to cope with another 4-year presidential term in the White House. Doubts arose after Biden failed in a televised debate against Trump in late June.

Source: Reuters, AP, STT
