The EU Parliament will vote on Ursula von der Leyen’s continuation as head of the Commission | News in brief

Appointment package of EU leaders approved Ursula von der

Von der Leyen needs to get more than half of the votes to continue leading the Commission. Otherwise, the political leaders of the EU countries must prepare a new proposal for the president of the Commission.

The European Parliament will vote today in Strasbourg Ursula von der Leyen continuation under the leadership of the European Commission. Von der Leyen has led the commission since 2019.

Von der Leyen needs to get more than half of the votes of the 720-member parliament in order for her to take over as head of the commission for a second term as well. For this reason, von der Leyen has recently been visiting political groups in Parliament and answering their questions about the future line of the Commission.

If von der Leyen does not get the necessary votes, the political leaders of the EU countries have to prepare a new proposal for the presidency of the Commission in the European Council within a month.
