Ashura holiday marked by war in Gaza

Ashura holiday marked by war in Gaza

In Lebanon, thousands of Shiite Muslims gathered on Wednesday, July 17, for the religious commemoration of Ashura, in the southern suburbs of Beirut. The ceremony took place while the south of the country is living to the rhythm of fighting between Hezbollah and the Israeli army, “ second front » of the war in Gaza.

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With our correspondent in Beirut, Laure Stephan

Among the crowd gathered for Ashura were religious flags and portraits of Hezbollah fighters who died in border clashes with Israel since October. Hassan carried a Palestinian flag.

The Palestinian cause is a humanitarian cause “, insists Hassan. ” Children, women are being massacred, in violation of the international order, according to which civilians cannot be targeted. They, the Israelis, are destroying schools, hospitals. They are committing massacres. »

Read alsoOn the border between Israel and Lebanon, the looming war is causing anxiety among residents

We will not abandon the Palestinian cause »

The procession takes place under heavy security measures by Hezbollah. Ashura is an opportunity for political messages. Hassan Nasrallah has once again linked a lull on the Lebanese-Israeli border to the end of the war in Gaza.

We are not afraid of the Israeli enemy. We have Hezbollah protecting us. “, assures Mohamed, originally from the south of Lebanon. Even if a major war were to break out in the South, we know that the Resistance would protect us. Whatever happens, war or no war, we will not abandon the Palestinian cause. »

The fighting led by Hezbollah on the border is, however, criticized by some Lebanese people, who fear an escalation with the Hebrew state.

Read alsoLebanon: Hezbollah confirms death of senior military leader in Israeli strike
