Abbé Pierre accused of sexual assault

Abbe Pierre accused of sexual assault

An iconic figure in France, Abbé Pierre, a tireless defender of the homeless and the poorly housed, who died in 2007, is accused by several women of sexual assaults committed between the end of the 1970s and 2005, according to an independent report commissioned by Emmaüs International, Emmaüs France and the Abbé Pierre Foundation and published on Wednesday July 17.

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Following ” of a testimony reporting a sexual assault committed by Abbé Pierre on a woman“, work was carried out internally by the expert firm for the prevention of violence Egaé, write the three associations in a joint press release.

This work allowed us to collect the testimonies of seven women who reported behavior that could be considered sexual assault or acts of sexual harassment committed by Abbé Pierre between the end of the 1970s and 2005.“, add the three organizations, which specify that one of them “was a minor at the time of the first events“.

We salute the courage of the people who have testified and, through their words, enabled these realities to be brought to light.“, underlines Emmaüs FranceEmmaüs International and the Abbé Pierre Foundation, in this press release also revealed byThe cross.

“These revelations are shaking up our structures”

We believe them, we know that these intolerable acts have left their mark and we stand by their side.“, they add. “These revelations are shaking up our structures” And “These actions profoundly change the way we look at a man known above all for his fight against poverty, misery and exclusion.“.

In his report, Egaé indicates having heard “12 people in the investigation, some of whom were not the target of behavior» of the priest and having had access to «two testimonies sent at the end of June 2024 to a person from Emmaüs International. »

In total, the firm said it received testimonies from seven people.reporting violence suffered by women at the hands of Abbé Pierre over a period from the end of the 1970s to 2005.»

The French Bishops’ Conference expresses its “pain” and “shame”

Following these first stories, a system for collecting testimonies and providing support, “strictly confidential, intended for people who have been victims or witnesses of unacceptable behavior on the part of Abbé Pierre“, has been set up, according to the three associations. According to an internal source at Emmaüs, no report to the courts has been made at this stage.

Following these revelations, the Conference of Bishops of France (CEF) expressed its “pain” and his “shame“. Abbot stone “has had a remarkable impact in our country and in the world, it has raised awareness of the responsibility of all towards people in precarious situations” she reacted. “But its position cannot exempt it from the necessary work of truth, which Emmaüs has just carried out with clarity and courage, by listening to the complainants.»
