Little Shanon, 4 years old, saves her mother by alerting the firefighters, who share her appeal on Facebook

Little Shanon 4 years old saves her mother by alerting

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director)

    On Monday, July 15, the Vendée firefighters published a heartbreaking video of a mother saved by her 4-year-old daughter. The child, seeing her mother unconscious, did the right thing by dialing 18.

    The video will undoubtedly reach the general public, while reminding the importance of teaching children, even very young ones, to dial emergency numbers. It was shared by the Vendée firefighters, and shows Shanon and her mother. The young woman was the victim of a fainting spell and tells how her 4-year-old daughter had the right reflexes to save her.

    A call to the fire brigade when she sees that her mother has lost consciousness

    The little girl’s mother recounts the facts in the video.It was a Tuesday evening, after school. I had just showered Shanon and when it was time to prepare her meal, it was a blackout.In her kitchen, the young woman actually lost consciousness.

    Seeing that she is not answering, Shanon does the right thing: she grabs her mother’s phone to dial 18. At the other end of the line, a firefighter answers and questions the child.

    Firefighters are sent to the child’s home

    “Hello, my name is Shanon and I am four years old. Mommy, she can’t wake up anymore. She fell asleep and she fell” can be heard from the little girl’s mouth, her call having been recorded by the firefighters. After confirming her mother’s discomfort, the little girl was able to give the name of her town.

    You don’t leave, I’ll send the firefighters” the operator answers. They will arrive quickly on site and the mother will regain consciousness at that time. She then looks for her daughter. “There was a woman who came, a firefighter or a police officer, I don’t remember, with my daughter in her arms. I asked the question: who called the firefighters? My daughter was introduced to me as my savior.” she says, moved.

    This story reminds us of the importance of teaching children, even very young ones, the importance of knowing how to call for help. Information sessions are usually held in schools, but it is a simple gesture that any parent can teach their child.This is the good side of children using cell phones” says Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of Doctissimo.“As long as he can express himself and recognize numbers, any child can learn to dial 18, and do so in case of a problem.”

    Making the call is the most important thing.”Once online, the child will be guided by the operator’s questions, who will also be able to geolocate the call, they are trained for this” “recalls the doctor.”The important thing is that the child dials the number and makes the call, that is enough to trigger the emergency services.” he concludes.
