controversy over the place of education in the development plan

controversy over the place of education in the development plan

In Congo-Brazzaville, the NGO – Dynamique pour la promotion de l’Éducation de qualité pour tous – estimated on Monday April 4 that the Congolese government had forgotten or ignored Education in its National Development Plan (PND 2022 – 2026). This plan must mobilize 1,500 billion CFA francs (more than 2.2 billion euros) to develop six pillars, in particular agriculture, industry and even special economic zones.

With our correspondent in Brazzaville, Loicia Martial

Tourism, the Digital Economy and Real Estate are also part of the support plan planned by the government, but Education is the major absentee, according to Patrice Tsoumou, president of the NGO Dynamique for the promotion of education for all :

The diseases are numerous: there is a plethora of students in the classrooms and even an angel from heaven will not be able to teach them… There is the lack of the tenured teachers [nombreuses sont les classes tenues par les vacataires, ndlr]. There are also tables-benches and laboratories that are missing. Finally, everything is sick… Everything has to be redone and nothing is impossible “, he describes.

Faced with this observation, Patrice Tsoumou pleads with the Head of State to set up a “ marshall plan », in order to save the Congolese school. ” The one who holds the key to the solution is the President of the Republic. We will appeal to the President of the Republic for a special fund for the promotion of quality education for all. This fund, we are thinking of proposing to the president to be able to supply it with 1% of the budget of each ministry “, he suggests.

He adds that public enterprises with financial autonomy should also provide 1% of their budget. At the Ministry of Planning, no one wished to comment on these statements despite our requests.

►Also read: Congo-Brazzaville: a 2020-2021 school year in coronavirus format
