National Assembly elections, what cordon sanitaire around the RN?

National Assembly elections what cordon sanitaire around the RN

In the National Assembly, negotiations have begun in preparation for the various elections to key positions in the lower house. On Thursday, July 18, the deputies will vote to elect their president and we should see a little more clarity on the balance of power ten days after the second round of the legislative elections. One question: will the National Rally be represented as in 2022? Not so sure.

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We cannot deny the vote of 11 million French people! » Marine Le Penthe leader of the RN group in the Assembly may have protested in recent days in numerous interviews, but nothing will change. A cordon sanitaire should once again form on Thursday, July 18 in the aisles of the hemicycle to prevent the party with the flame from accessing key positions in the Assembly: presidency, vice-presidencies, quaestors, committee presidencies.

The left-wing deputies are fiercely determined to extend the republican front into the chamber. And they are not alone. Gabriel Attal confirmed the instruction this morning in a group meeting: no vote should go to the National Rally in the allocation of key positions.

The idea of ​​the new leader of the group “Together for the Republic!” (EDR): not to repeat the mistake of June 2022 when Renaissance elected officials helped elect two vice-presidents from the ranks of the far right: Hélène Laporte and the very media-friendly Sébastien Chenu.

Read alsoPresidency of the French National Assembly: the challenge of a strategic election

Divergent views among Macronists

But within the presidential camp, this cordon sanitaire is not unanimous. The one who is running for re-election to the perch in particular, Yaël Braun-Pivet, has always considered that all elected political groups should be represented in the bureau of the Assembly. But officially, she is rallying to Gabriel Attal’s position after rumors about negotiations with the National Rally.

The centrists of MoDem, Horizons and the Republican Right (ex-LR) also do not wish to block RN candidacies. For MP Annie Genevard, interviewed by our colleagues at France Inter, “ Excluding the elected representatives of the National Rally would be an error which would contravene the spirit of the Assembly’s rules. ” Regulation which provides that each group is represented proportionally to its size.

Read alsoFrance: LFI, Greens and PS want to deprive the far right of key positions in the Assembly, the RN is outraged
