Google is quietly launching a new tab called Notifications on Gmail that will automatically host all newsletters and other “unnecessary” alerts to declutter the main inbox.

Google is quietly launching a new tab called Notifications on

Google is quietly launching a new tab called Notifications on Gmail that will automatically host all newsletters and other “unnecessary” alerts to declutter the main inbox.

Lately, Google has been making small changes to the Gmail interface. They are discreet, but nonetheless practical. At the end of May, the Android application welcomed a new input area called “Quick Reply” to briefly and quickly respond to messages. Enough to simplify real-time communication. Then, last June, the Web version of the email service got a new toolbar (see our article). Now, the iOS and Android applications as well as the Web version welcome a new automatic classification tab “Notifications” in the menu to better filter messages received in the inbox.

Gmail Notifications: A new tab for more clarity

We receive a lot of emails that, without being spam, are somewhat superfluous. For example, when we sign up for a newsletter, we don’t necessarily want to see it on the front page of our inbox. This is where the “Notifications” tab comes into play, alongside “Main”, “Promotions” and “Social networks”, which will be responsible for hosting the various scheduled alerts and newsletters, which normally land in the main inbox.

This new feature is enabled by default. The new ranking tab should therefore appear in the interface without you having to do anything. To disable it, simply click on the gear, at the top right, to access the settings, then on See all settings. You must then select the tab Labels and go down to the section Categories. All that remains is to click on Display Or Hide to change the categories that will appear in the inbox.
