13 municipalities want to introduce a new tax – here it applies

13 municipalities want to introduce a new tax here

In a survey which SVT News have done, it emerged that 13 tourist municipalities in Sweden are positive about local tourist taxes.

Currently, it is forbidden for Swedish municipalities to have a tourist tax. But it is common in several tourist destinations around Europe, such as Amsterdam, Paris and Rome.

– We are 10,000 inhabitants and when we have a season here, there are 100,000 visitors in our municipality. This means that we have huge demands on the emergency services, water and sewerage, all these service pieces which then have to be burdened on 10,000 inhabitants, says Hans Unanderchairman of the municipal board in Malung-Sälen municipality to P4 The valleys.

Tourists in the old town of Stockholm. Photo: Magnus Lejhall/TT

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The municipalities that want to introduce a tourist tax

Astrid Iselidhwho was one of those who did the survey, tells News24 that 13 out of 30 municipalities were positive about the tourist tax. Then either the municipal board’s chairman or deputy chairman has answered yes in the survey.

Here are the tourist municipalities that are positive about the tourist tax:

  • Borgholm
  • The Malung Seal
  • Sotenäs
  • Big man
  • Mountain
  • Falkenberg
  • Wilhelmina
  • Dorothea
  • Gotland
  • Härjedalen
  • Kiruna
  • Båstad
  • Falkenberg
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    That’s how high the tax should be

    Hans Unander tells P4 Dalarna that he wants to introduce a tourist tax of a maximum of one euro, which corresponds to approximately ten to eleven Swedish kronor.

    The proposed tourist tax will apply to both Swedish and foreign tourists.


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