Donald Trump Doesn’t Like Mark Zuckerberg At All

Donald Trump Doesnt Like Mark Zuckerberg At All

Donald Trump expected to be elected US President againcontinues to frequently express his dislike for Mark Zuckerberg.

TikTok, which the US has taken official steps to ban, is now one of the most influential social media platforms in the world. One of the names that sees this is the US presidential candidate Donald Trumpwhich he wanted to ban in recent years He has been active on TikTok for some time now. In connection with this, a new explanation Trump said, “I’m for TikTok because you need competition. If you don’t have TikTok, you have Facebook and Instagram, and you know, they’re Zuckerberg’s…” Trump had previously said that if he were elected, He threatened to send Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to jail. Zuckerberg and some other names “election fraud” Trump, who saw it as “They have no shame! All I can say is, if I am re-elected, we will pursue election fraudsters at an unprecedented level and send them to prison for many years to come..” Trump said that big technology companies in the USA “very big” And “very strong” and in a statement he made on this issue, he said, “I don’t want to harm these companies. But I don’t want them to destroy our youth either.” he saidTrump, who was recently attacked with a gun, He is competing with Joe Biden in the US presidential race. Trump, who was born in 1946 and is said to have increased his votes following the attack, served as the 45th president of the United States from 2017 to 2021. had done.

