Are you no longer seeing posts from a particular person in your Instagram feed? It could be that they haven’t posted for a while, or they may have blocked you. Here are the signs to look for to find out.

Are you no longer seeing posts from a particular person

Are you no longer seeing posts from a particular person in your Instagram feed? It could be that they haven’t posted for a while, or they may have blocked you. Here are the signs to look for to find out.

Instagram allows you to share your daily life with your loved ones via photos, videos and stories, but also to meet new people with whom you can share your passions. But like any social network, human relationships have their good and bad sides. And as in “real life”, you can find yourself on bad terms with someone, for a thousand and one reasons. A situation that generally results in a blockage.

But if a contact blocks you on Instagram, you might not realize it right away. That’s because the platform doesn’t tell you that you’ve been spammed. But if you no longer see a particular person’s posts in your Instagram feed or they no longer respond to your private messages, chances are you’ve become spammed! To be sure, you need to watch out for these telltale signs.

The first thing to check, if you remember the person’s username, is to search for their profile on Instagram. If it doesn’t appear in the results, this is a first indication that they may have been blocked. Another sign: if you can no longer see their comments under your posts, or if your mentions and tags of this person no longer work.

Also check the old messages you exchanged privately with her. Even if she blocks you, your correspondence will not disappear and will remain displayed in the “Messages” section. If your last messages have remained unread, her profile picture has disappeared or the mention “User not found” is instead of her name, it’s a bad sign…

These different indications are not definitive proof, because the person in question may also have deactivated their account or changed their privacy settings. However, if several of the above-mentioned clues appear, it is likely that you have been blocked.

To be sure, you can use another of your accounts if you have one, or go through a mutual friend to access the person’s profile. If the profile appears and you can see the posts, this confirms that your main account has been blocked. If this is the case, know that you no longer have any way of contacting your interlocutor on the social network. All you have to do is go through another channel or respect their wishes and not contact them again.
