Venla Harju Finland’s best offering with personal trips – according to the expert, there was something to be said for the World Cup | Sports in a nutshell

Venla Harju Finlands best offering with personal trips according

Venla Harju was sixth in the women’s knock-out final of the Sprint Orienteering World Championships.

16.7. 19:59•Updated 16.7. 20:21

Swedish superstar Tove Alexandersson won the world championship sprint orienteering in the knock-out final in Scotland. The other was earthy Karolin Ohlsson before Switzerland Simona Aebersold.

Made it to the finals Venla Harju was sixth, i.e. last, in the final race.

There were no Finns in the men’s final. Switzerland celebrated the championship Riccardo Rancan.

For the experienced Harju, the final place was a surprise.

– It was great to reach the final. By orienteering, I got past the others in the semi-finals. The goal was to do my own orienteering in the final as well.

– It was sad that my choices were not made. The head didn’t stay so calm, but it was nice to be able to orient with the best in the world, Harju stated in the broadcast.

The Scottish Games ended with a knock-out sprint. Harju’s sixth place was Finland’s best ranking in personal trips. At the weekend, the Finns celebrated the World Cup silver in the sprint relay.

– The team performance was good, but otherwise we didn’t hit the right buttons and make the right choices. It felt like we were physically competitive. However, the technical skills should be brought to one’s own level, Urheilu’s expert Mårten Boström stated.
