Woman freed after apartment fire – despite threatening text messages

The fight happened in Luleå in March last year.

The couple had then been together for a year, and primarily lived together in the man’s apartment, although the woman had her own residence on the side.

It is unclear whether she had access to a key to the man’s apartment, but according to the indictment that Home & Rent heard of, she must have had it and entered the apartment and then tore up the sofas, smashed a TV and started a fire on the stove.

“Drags and burns down your apartment”

The sequence of events is confirmed by several text messages the woman sent to her partner during the time of the crime.

“Going to tear up your disgusting sofas that you are so afraid of.. These will be fun,” she wrote, among other things.

“Bastard. I’m going to have a funfair at our place. With a knife and lighter fluid.”

“I’m pulling down and burning down your apartment with dog now.”

The cost of the fire amounted to SEK 60,000, and in total the man requested that the woman pay SEK 83,000 in damages.

Acquitted in the district court

In total, the woman sent over 120 text messages and tried to call about 80 times, which she explains by saying that she was worried because she didn’t know where the man was and that she suspected he was with another woman.

She says that with her text messages she was only trying to get a reaction from the man, and the district court in Sundsvall, which handled the case, believes that it is an explanation that cannot be dismissed as improbable.

The district court further believes that the man was few words and ambiguous in questioning, and that his testimony thus has a relatively low probative value.

The court therefore believes that it is beyond reasonable doubt that the woman was behind the injuries, and has therefore acquitted her.
