The First Descendant is the surprise hit on Steam 2024 – Now players are threatened and 3 things are banned

Hardly anyone expected The First Descendant to be so successful. The game is extremely successful on Steam and seems to be doing surprisingly well. But now developer Nexon is warning against three types of behavior that people don’t want to see anymore.

How well is The First Descedant doing?

  • The First Descendant was released on June 30th and got off to a flying start, with a peak of 264,860 players on Steam. This makes it, alongside Palworld, the surprise hit on Steam so far in 2024.
  • What is astonishing, however, is that this was not a flash in the pan, but that The First Descendant still retains a good portion of players two weeks later: At its peak, it still has 160,699 players, which is quite decent.
  • Although the South Korean loot shooter was viewed with such criticism because of microtransactions, plagiarism and grinding, its actual success cannot be denied. Even if The First Descendant will certainly not captivate so many players for months, The First Descendant has at least convinced some harsh critics.
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    Developers warn players and point out 3 rules

    This is the new announcement: The developers said in a post on X today that there have been a lot of complaints about inappropriate behavior in The First Descedant recently. They will work on finding measures to combat this behavior.

    But until then, players are reminded that these 3 things are forbidden (via

  • The use, distribution or creation of unauthorized programs is strictly prohibited.
  • Do not go AFK during co-op play. If you must retreat, please only do so in Albion!
  • Please refrain from AFK farming during missions.
  • Although no specific penalties are mentioned that players face, it is likely that violations could result in suspensions or even permanent exclusion.

    The First Descendant specifically addresses the problem of “loot lurking,” which we reported on MeinMMO today on July 16.

    The behavior of taking loot but not contributing to the team’s success has caused anger in the community. People have demanded consequences from Nexon. Nexon’s Twitter post can probably be understood as a reaction to this demand: The First Descendant has a problem with parasites who only want to get their hands on loot
