After Bello and Tubiana, the NFP struggles to agree on a name for Matignon

After Bello and Tubiana the NFP struggles to agree on

The New Popular Front, a parliamentary group that came out on top in the legislative elections, has not been able to agree on a joint proposal for a candidate for Matignon. After the PS refused the name Huguette Bello, proposed by LFI and the Communist Party, it is the turn of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s party to decline the choice of the socialists, Laurence Tubiana.

4 mins

Manuel Bompard, coordinator of La France Insoumise, refused the Socialist Party’s proposal for Matignon on Tuesday, July 16. Olivier Faure had put forward the name of Laurence Tubianaa 73-year-old specialist in sustainable development and climate, ” a diplomat engaged in both ecological and social matters “, Who ” never compromised his convictions “, according to the socialist. A personality on which the PS, the PCF and the Greens had agreed.

Too much ” Macron-compatible »

Manuel Bompard notably described this proposal as ” not serious “, on the France 2 set this Tuesday. ” If this is indeed the profile our partners are working on, I’m falling off my chair. “, he castigates, reproaching Laurence Tubiana for having ” signed a platform four days ago in which she called for the formation of a coalition and a common program with the Macronists. “The LFI coordinator assured that the party did not want to” waste more time ” in a situation that he considers ” unsuccessful “. “ If the rebels have to give up their right to occupy this position or to propose their candidacy for the presidency of the National Assembly to allow this joint candidacy, we will be ready to do so. ” he adds.

Olivier Faure, for his part, maintains his choice and denounces the refusal of the rebels. I do not see why we should consider that, when there are three political parties out of four (the communists, ecologists and socialists, editor’s note) and in reality a majority of parliamentarians from the Popular Front who are ready to accept this candidacy, I do not see why we should consider that the word of one person is binding on all the others. “, noted the socialist on France Inter.

Read alsoNew Popular Front: the left blocked on the choice of a candidate for Matignon

Fabien Roussel He also criticized LFI’s refusal, accusing them of ” to be in the opposition “The national secretary of the PCF assures that all the other parties of the New Popular Front agree to ” application from civil society ” and calls on the rebels to “ return to the discussion table (…), let’s reach an agreement and it’s urgent “, he pleads on BFMTV.

Let’s resume the discussions »

Within the left-wing parties, this inability to agree on a name is annoying and worrying. Before the name of Laurence Tubiana, the PS had refused LFI’s proposal to appoint Huguette Bellopresident of the regional council of La Réunion, at Matignon.

It’s a shame ! ” For Francois Ruffinthis blockage ” agrees with Emmanuel Macron, who can say “Frankly, if they are not capable of giving themselves the name of Prime Minister, how are they going to govern the country?” The ex-LFI, now affiliated with the environmentalist group, describes the debates within the NFP as ” shame “, adding on RTL Tuesday that the parties do not ” than to confirm discouragement, to confirm resentment today in people’s hearts. »

The national secretary of the ecologists, Marine Tondelier, also spoke about the tensions within the party and implored the different groups to resume dialogue. The French voted and we won. They want us to govern, not tear each other apart. If we don’t do better, and soon, they will never forgive us. For social and environmental justice, let’s start the discussions again. Now ” she wrote on her X account.

Stop your bullshit! ” launched on RFI, This Tuesday morning Danielle Simonnet, elected deputy of the 20th arrondissement of Paris despite having been excluded by LFI from its list of candidates.

The first Council of Ministers after the legislative elections takes place this Tuesday, before the first session of this new National Assembly on Thursday, where a president will have to be elected.

Read alsoIn the headlines: the left at an impasse…
