Invitalia, consolidated balance sheet 2023 shows profit of 12 million

Invitalia consolidated balance sheet 2023 shows profit of 12 million

(Telestock) – Invitalia shareholders meeting – National Agency for Investment Attraction and Business Development – has examined and approved the project financial statements as of December 31, 2023which ends with a useful equal to 12.3 million euros.

The following were also presented: consolidated financial statements which closes with a useful pertinence of the group equal to 12 million euros, and the Sustainability Reportwhich includes the consolidated non-financial statement relating to the same financial year.

During 2023 Invitalia continued with its actions to support of the production systemwith particular regard to the regions of Noonsupporting more than 75,000 between companies, associations and other beneficiaries. In the year Invitalia also contributed to activating over 22 billion investments between public and private.

In his role as partners of Public Administrations which manage the community and national operational programmes, Invitalia has supported the implementation of the main community programmesstrengthening the administrative capacity of the PA.

As Central Purchasing Office and Contracting Authority the company has accelerated the implementation of strategic interventions for territorial cohesion and the growth economic and improved its effectiveness.

The company has assisted the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy in managing crisis tables and for the acquisition of shares in companies in difficulty, using participatory tools (equity and debt) made available by the Government: Business Protection Fund and Growth in the South Fund.

Invitalia’s contribution is significant inimplementation of the public investment programmes of the PNRRa point of reference and center of expertise in Program Management for the acceleration of particularly complex investment projects.
