Roberta Metsola reappointed as head of the European Parliament

Roberta Metsola reappointed as head of the European Parliament

The European Parliament returned to session on Tuesday, July 16. Almost a month after the elections, MEPs are in session in Strasbourg until Friday. After the choice at the ballot box, it is time to choose the EU executive. Roberta Metsola was re-elected President of the European Parliament by an overwhelming majority of MEPs.

2 min

With our special correspondent in Strasbourg, Julien Chavanne

Her colleagues were already congratulating her before the vote had even started. Roberta Metsola’s re-election was not in doubt. The Maltese woman will continue to preside over the European hemicycle for two and a half years. With one priority: support for theUkraine.

We have learned that we can never take democracy for granted. We have seen that our European values ​​are too often seen as a threat. It is a badge given to us by autocrats and one that we will continue to wear proudly. Russia’s war of aggression against sovereign Ukraine remains at the top of our agenda. ” she told the assembly.

Roberta Metsola continues: “ I went to kyiv on your behalf at the beginning of the war. It was a visit that gave new impetus to our house, new visibility and new radiance. This Assembly has helped to focus political attention on the need to stand with Ukraine, and people are counting on us to keep that light burning as brightly as it can. »

Roberta Metsola has won over the European right far beyond her own EPP camp. She has also been congratulated by the nationalists of the ECR group who hail her talent as a ” mediator » between all the edges of the hemicycle.

Pragmatic, she has managed to avoid controversy and stay out of the fray. A mission that will be even more difficult with the far right stronger than ever in the European Parliament.

Read alsoEuropean Parliament: a decisive week for Ursula von der Leyen and the sharing of key posts
