International condemnation after the arrest of activists Foniké Menguè and Billo Bah

International condemnation after the arrest of activists Fonike Mengue and

In Guinea, there has been no news of Foniké Menguè and Mamadou Billo Bah for a week. The two activists of the National Front for the Defense of the Constitution (FNDC) were kidnapped on Tuesday evening, July 9, by heavily armed soldiers, before being sent to a destination that is still unknown to this day. In addition to Guinean civil society and the political class, institutions and political figures in Africa and internationally are demanding their release.

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As of Tuesday, the FNDC condemned what it defines as the “kidnapping” by Oumar Sylla – alias Foniké Menguè – and Billo Bah, respectively national coordinator of the movement and responsible for antennas and mobilization. The FNDC specified that it would hold the junta of the National Committee for the Rally for Development (CNRD) “responsible for anything that might happen to them”.

Also condemned by the Bar of Guinea who denounces a ” anachronistic practice “, as well as the political parties and civil society, united within the Forces vives, which demand the release of the two activists and call for mobilization to restore constitutional order.

Local and international organizations denounce attacks on fundamental freedoms in Guinea

In a joint statement, several African and regional organizations – including Y en a Marre, AfricTivistes and Article 19 – warn of arbitrary arrests and attacks on fundamental freedoms in Guinea such as the Permanent closure of several private media outlets two months ago.

Mary Lawlor, the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders, said: very concerned ” and demands the immediate release of Foniké Menguè and Billo Bah.

Internationally, the president of France Insoumise Jean-Luc Mélenchon calls for intervention by the French state. heavily involved with the power in place “.

And the Senegalese MP Guy Marius Sagna directly questioned the Guinean delegation to the ECOWAS Parliament on the violence and deaths linked to repression in the country.

Read alsoFoniké Menguè (FNDC): in Guinea, “we continue our fight as sentinels of democracy”
