Biden, who targeted Trump before the assassination attempt, changed his tune: I didn’t mean it like that!

Biden who targeted Trump before the assassination attempt changed his

As the atmosphere of the presidential election in the USA heats up, the assassination attempt against the 45th US President and Republican re-election candidate Donald Trump has added spice to this tension. Joe Joe Biden made statements on the agenda, and responded to criticisms about his age by comparing himself to Trump. Biden admitted his mistake regarding his recent “target” remarks for Trump.


US President Joe Biden made statements about the current affairs in an interview with a private television channel. Stating that he was quite surprised by the assassination attempt against his Republican rival Donald Trump, Biden emphasized that there is no place for violence in politics in America.

Referring to his conversation with Trump after the incident, Biden said, “He was very sincere. I told him how concerned I was and that I wanted to make sure I knew how he was. He sounded fine. He said he was fine and thanked me for calling him.” When asked, “Did this shooting change the course of the race?” Biden said, “I don’t know that. You don’t know either.” When asked if there were any security breaches, Biden said, “I had two meetings in the Situation Room with the FBI and the Secret Service. And I asked for a completely independent analysis from all of them. We’ll see what happens when the results of that analysis come back.”



Biden, who also touched on his election debate with Trump when asked, later stated that he did not watch the entire debate. Reacting to the press only bringing up his own performance, Biden said, “Why don’t you talk about the lies he told? Where are you on this? Why doesn’t the press ever talk about this? It was confirmed that he lied 28 times in that debate.”


Responding to calls for him to withdraw from the US presidential race due to his advancing age, Biden said, “I am old. But I am only three years older than Trump and my mental state is quite good.” “I have done in three and a half years what no president has been able to do in a long time,” Biden said, adding, “I understand why people say, ‘My God, the guy is 81.’ Wow! What will happen when he is 83, 84? That is a reasonable question.” Reminding that Democratic voters had chosen him as the leader of the primary election period, Biden said, “I listen to them.”

When asked who he consulted on matters such as staying in the race or withdrawing from it, Biden said: “Myself. I’ve been doing that for a long time.”


Biden clarified his statement that “it’s time to target Trump” during a call with donors on July 8, saying, “It was a mistake to use that word.” “I meant focus on him. Focus on what he’s done. Focus on his policies, focus on the number of lies he told in the debate,” Biden said. “I’m not the guy who said, ‘I want to be a dictator from day one.’ I’m not the guy who refused to accept the outcome of the election. I’m not the guy who said he’s not going to automatically accept the outcome of this election. You can’t just love your country when you win. So our focus was on what he said.”


Asked if he had ever questioned whether his language might be provocative, Biden replied, “Aren’t you saying something like provocative that might provoke someone?” Stating that it was not he, but his opponent Trump, who used provocative language, Biden said, “I did not use that kind of language. My opponent uses that kind of language. He talks about how if he loses, there will be a bloodbath, how he will pardon everyone who was arrested and sentenced to prison because of what happened at the Capitol.”

(UAV)This content was published by Hazar Gönüllü
