Centotrenta Servicing, Standard Ethics raises sustainability rating

Centotrenta Servicing Standard Ethics raises sustainability rating

(Finance) – Standard Ethics has Corporate Standard Ethics Rating raised (SER) of One Hundred and Thirty Servicing to “AND AND” from the previous “EE-” with a “Positive” Outlook. This is the sixth notch out of nine (in the “Strong” band) on the scale used by the independent rating agency based in London and focused on sustainability.

Centotrenta Servicing is an unlisted company operating as servicer in the Italian securitization market. In 2023 it joined the Group SesaThe entry of the new majority shareholder has seen changes to the corporate structure and the composition of the Board of Directors.

Not subject to reporting obligations, Centotrenta communicates through its institutional website its objectives and strategies voluntarily adopted in the ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) field. Due to its size and type of activity, the environmental impacts are reduced.

The Sustainability governance model appears adequate to the characteristics and size of the company and has been the subject of some recent implementations in the structure and main documents, such as the Code of Ethics.

The strategies are aligned with the sustainability requests of the UN, OECD and EU (sources referred to in the government instruments). Among the issues on which the company has focused most attention, we mention that of gender equalityalthough there is room for further improvement in the composition of the apical organs.

(Photo: toppercussion | 123RF)
