No need to use an air conditioner to sleep cool in summer, even taking hot nights. Using your freezer, this clever technique will help you find sleep without sweating…

No need to use an air conditioner to sleep cool

No need to use an air conditioner to sleep cool in summer, even taking hot nights. Using your freezer, this clever technique will help you find sleep without sweating…

Summer, with its sometimes unbearable temperatures, often pushes us to look for solutions to stay cool at night without having to use the air conditioning. Fortunately, there is a simple and clever method to cool down your nights without increasing your electricity bill: use your freezer. This idea may seem a little strange at first, but rest assured: it is not about settling in there for the night!

In fact, this technique is particularly effective because it simply involves placing your sheets, pillowcases, and even clean socks in the freezer one to two hours before going to bed. This little trick ensures that your textiles will be nice and fresh when you take them out. The coldness of the fabrics helps lower your body temperature, making it easier to fall asleep.

Why does this method work so well? It’s all about physiology. In order to fall asleep, the human body needs to lower its internal temperature. By wrapping yourself in cooled sheets, you speed up this natural process, which helps you fall asleep faster. The cool feeling on your skin is not only pleasant, but it also triggers a relaxation response that prepares you for sleep.

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And don’t worry about sheets and pillowcases getting too stiff after their time in the freezer: dry fabrics don’t freeze like food because they don’t contain moisture. They’ll stay soft and comfortable while still feeling pleasantly cool.

If this technique doesn’t appeal to you or you prefer another method, there is always the option of the fan. Although it doesn’t actually lower the temperature of the room, the fan creates air circulation that helps evaporate sweat from your skin, which has a cooling effect. For optimal effect, place a bottle of iced water or a bowl of ice in front of the fan: the air blown will then be even cooler.

By combining these tips, you can make hot summer nights much more bearable without having to break the bank on electricity costs with an air conditioner.
