EU imposes sanctions on Israeli far-right groups!

As Israel continues its attacks on civilians in the Gaza Strip, the European Union (EU) has once again announced that it will impose sanctions on Israeli far-right groups. According to a statement made by the EU, it has decided to impose sanctions on Bentzi Gopstein, the head of the Lehava group, which opposes racial mixing, and Baruch Marzel, who is accused of calling for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. The statement said, “Settler activists Zvi Bar Yosef, Moshe Sharvit and Isaschar Manne, as well as the illegal outposts Moshe’s Farm and Zvi’s Farm, were punished for their role in violence against Palestinians in the West Bank.”

It was reported that sanctions were also imposed on the Tzav 9 organization due to the protests that blocked humanitarian aid trucks going to the Gaza Strip.

(UAV)This content was published by Doğukan Akbayır
