The Kremlin blames Trump’s assassination attempt on the atmosphere created by the Biden administration | Foreign countries

The Kremlin blames Trumps assassination attempt on the atmosphere created

The Russian media estimates that the incident could lead to Donald Trump’s election victory.

20:27•Updated 20:50

MOSCOW The Russian leadership blames the US president Joe Biden administration for creating an atmosphere that led Donald Trump’s to attempted murder.

– We by no means think that the attempted assassination of presidential candidate Trump was organized by the executive branch, a representative of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Sunday.

– But the atmosphere that this administration has created during the political struggle, the atmosphere around candidate Trump, has provoked the situation that the United States has now had to face.

Kommersant business newspaper caught attention, that the views of Peskov and the American Republicans on the matter were similar. Many Republicans have also criticized Democrats for inciting hatred towards Trump.

Of course, Peskov did not mention the murders of politicians and journalists in modern Russia.

Russian media: A bullet hit Biden’s campaign

Many Russian newspapers speculated that the assassination attempt decided the election in favor of Donald Trump.

“The bullet brought Trump closer to the White House”, Nezavisimaja Gazeta newspaper title.

“Trump was targeted, Biden was hit”, wrote Moskovski komsomolets evening paper.

In the Russian government’s Rossiiskaya Gazeta newspaper Nikolai Dolgopolov wrote, that Trump’s assassination attempt was, if not planned, inevitable. According to him, the shot also hit Biden.

Now Biden has even less chance of re-election and also more fears for his own life.

– Hatred has reached its peak, and there are haters who demand revenge, Dolgopolov wrote.

– So the current president is also under threat. Indeed, God bless the United States.

The Russian leadership is believed to be hoping for Trump’s return to the presidency, as it could undermine the US commitment to support Ukraine and the military alliance with NATO.

However, many Russian analysts warn Russia not to expect too much from Trump’s presidency.

For example, a political commentator George Bovt reminded On his Telegram channel, there is a cross-party consensus in the United States on the necessity of detaining Russia. That is why it is not worth waiting for, for example, the lifting of sanctions against Russia.

Research professor at the Moscow University of Economics Fyodor Lukyanov wrote In Rossiiskaya Gazeta, that threats about the withdrawal of the US from NATO, the withdrawal of US troops from Europe or the cutting off of Ukraine’s oxygen supply are propaganda during the election campaign.

Lukyanov still considered it likely that the Trump administration will change US foreign policy priorities.

– In practice, it means that Europe is left to a significant extent more on its own, Lukjanov wrote. According to Lukyanov, the Old Continent is not prepared for that.
