A representative of Hamas denies that the organization is withdrawing from the ceasefire negotiations | News in brief

According to Hamas, the ceasefire negotiations are still ongoing,

A representative of the extremist organization Hamas denies that the organization is withdrawing from the Gaza ceasefire negotiations with Israel. Qatari media al-Jazeera reported on the matter on Sunday, among others.

Izzat al-Rishq, a representative of Hamas’s political office, said in a statement, according to Qatari media, that media reports about the withdrawal talks were not true.

A high-ranking Hamas official, quoted on condition of anonymity, told the AFP news agency earlier on Sunday that the organization had withdrawn from ceasefire talks with Israel.

According to the official, the reason was the massacres carried out by Israel and Israel’s attitude in the negotiations. The official also said the political leader of Hamas Ismail Haniyyan having informed the international mediators of the ceasefire negotiations about the decision.

Israel carried out a huge attack on the southern parts of the Gaza Strip on Saturday, killing about 90 people and wounding hundreds, according to the Hamas-run Gaza Ministry of Health.

According to the Israeli armed forces, the targets of the attack were the armed leader of Hamas Mohammed Deif and the head of the Khan Yunis Brigade Rafe Lightning. Another Hamas official told AFP on Sunday that Deif was fine. Israel said on Sunday that Salama was killed in the attack.
