For Harri Heliövaara, a big leap in the world list | Sports in a nutshell

For Harri Heliovaara a big leap in the world list

With Wimbledon’s victory, Heliövaara rose to 12th place in the world rankings.

With his men’s doubles win at Wimbledon on Saturday Harri Heliövaara took a big leap towards the top of the list with the recent update of the world list.

Heliövaara, 35, was ranked 37th in the list made before Wimbledon, and by winning the tournament he jumped 25 places higher. Heliövaara’s British game pair Henry Patten reached 25 places to 17.

However, Heliövaara’s 12th place is not the highest of his career, but at the end of last year, Heliövaara was at his best in 7th place.

Also made it to the third round of Wimbledon in men’s singles Emil Ruusuvuori climbed up the world rankings. Ruusuvuori now ranks 70th, which is 17 places higher than in the previous listing.

At its best, Ruusuvuori was ranked 37th in the list last year.
