Hostages’ families concerned after targeted attack on Mohamed Deif in Al-Mawasi

Hostages families concerned after targeted attack on Mohamed Deif in

It is not absolutely certain that the head of Hamas’ armed wing, Mohamed Deif, was killed in the Israeli strike on the Al-Mawasi displaced persons camp, but “Israel will take care of all Hamas leaders,” said Benjamin Netanyahu in a press conference a few hours after the attack. The Israeli Prime Minister believes that the army is not exerting enough pressure on the Islamist organization. Strong mobilization to demand an agreement for the release of the hostages. But after the events of this Saturday, the demonstrators are asking themselves questions about the real intentions of their Prime Minister.

2 min

With our correspondent in Jerusalem, Michel Paul

Tens of thousands of them marched from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in solidarity with the hostages. In front of the Prime Minister’s office, they are demanding an agreement to obtain their release.

The targeted attack on Mohamed Deif will have consequences for the negotiations, many of them believe. Gilad Kariv is a Labor Party MP: ” There is no doubt that Mohamed Deif must be eliminated. That is not the question. But one can wonder whether Netanyahu is really interested in the hostages and whether he is doing everything to keep them alive. That is what concerns me. “.

“We must keep pushing until the end”

Some protesters say Benjamin Netanyahu is doing everything he can to torpedo any ceasefire agreement. I am no prophet. But we all know that Bibi and Deif, each on their own, have a train of thought that is difficult to follow. So, who knows… ” comments Hayuta Dvir.

Above all, the protest movement must continue, believes Dani Sebban: “ He will go all the way… he will go all the way to what he can push in terms of cynicism and his political survival, unfortunately. It is not because we think that he will not move that we should not continue, we must put pressure until the end. We must not get discouraged. »

One banner read: ” Netanyahu finishes off the hostages. »

Read alsoGaza: Dozens killed in Israeli strike on Al-Mawasi displaced persons camp
